Bill Maher is often a gifted comedian who loves to take extreme (mostly though not all left-wing) positions for comedic purposes and encourage discussion among their weekly panelists. And he has a great staff of gifted writers to generate lots of clever components. (This weeks panelists actually skewed right along with the Times conservative financial columnist Toby Ross Sorkin, MSNBCs old-fashioned firebrand S. E. Cupp, filmmaker Emmanuel Moore, and comic professional Zach Galifinakis. )
But in last Fridays show which you'll watch here on HBOGO (at concerning 35 minutes in) he looks at the Monsanto can do no matter what heck it wants act. He claims protection meant for Monsanto was slid within the agriculture bill that says
If most of the product causes harm, they will cant be sued.
Seriously? You don't think this is valid. It is actually one of several left wing lies style of equivalent to the Obama death panels hyperbole on the right wing. It basically isnt true, although the credulous press is passing this story about since March.
Heres the things section 735 of HOUR OR SO 933 actually says:
In the big event that a determination involving non-regulated status [is] manufactured the Secretary of Farming shall, upon request by way of a farmer, grower, farm seller, or producer, immediately grant temporary permit(s) or temporary deregulation partially, subject to necessary and appropriate conditions in accordance with section 411(a) or 412(c) belonging to the Plant Protection Act, which inturn interim conditions shall authorize all the movement, introduction, continued farming, commercialization and other actually enumerated activities and desires, including measures designed so that you can mitigate or minimize opportunity adverse environmental effects, in the event any, relevant to the Secretarys evaluation belonging to the petition for non-regulated level, while ensuring that farmers or other users will move, plant, cultivate, introduce into commerce and carryout other authorized activities in regular basis:
And most importantly
Provided, That all those such conditions shall be applicable only reserved for the interim period needed for the Secretary to whole any required analyses or consultations based on the petition for non-regulated status
In various other words, if there is some suspicion which a regulated plant might turn out to be harmful (presumably a genetically transformed plant), the farmer can carry on and grow it until this Secretary of Agriculture completes the analysis on this claim. Honestly, that looks pretty reasonable.
And as it happens that the USDA actually has this power at any rate. You can find a fairly good summary of this kind of bill reported by NPR not to mention another longer summary regarding Snopes. We also wrote regarding it last month in a good column for Huliq.
But most prominent, this really just avoids nuisance lawsuits from disrupting agriculture there is no evidence that any sort of genetically modified plant (GM) possesses ever cause any destruction. There are no peer-reviewed papers that report these harm. And there are many papers showing that no harm has have you been caused.
While the lunatic fringe has become claiming that this offer was slipped in around the last moment, it was at the draft law for using a year.
All with this came about when a judge ruled truly that GM sugar beets has been approved without adequate assessment within their environmental impact. This might put farmers in a significant quandary since most US ALL farmers plant Roundup resistant sugar beets including a sufficient quantity of non-GM beet seed isn't available. Hence this law simply said that this USDA has to measure the science before any such rulings are usually implemented.
Oh, and even since planting Roundup invulnerable beets means less tilling, it means that the crop has an important considerably lower carbon impact.
So look, Adam Felber and various Maher writers: you can at the very least check Snopes or instigate a simple internet search on this stuff. Thats all it had to debunk this insane talk. They could also actually investigate bill.
Bill Maher Tells Monsanto, Genetically Modified Cuisine (GMOs) -
www. metacafe. com/watch? v=csSw3fYnICcBy SunfoodTV 4 minute 128, 916 views Further Jun 28, 2012Political comedian Bill Maher considered in on Monsanto and GMOs in the June 22 2012 episode of Real-time with Bill Maher - aboard included Nick Gillespie...
Obama evidence 'Monsanto Protection Act' compiled by Monsanto...
rt. com/usa/monsanto-bill-blunt-agriculture-006United States President Barack Obama features signed a bill into law which has been written in part with the very billion-dollar... Under the actual Monsanto Protection Act,...
Bill Maher is wrong within the Monsanto Protection Act - Unique...
www. examiner. com/article/bill-maher-is-wrong-about-the-monsanto...May 20, 2013 Bill Maher can be a gifted comedian who wants to take extreme (mostly yet not all left-wing) positions for comedic purposes and then to encourage discussion among...
Bill Maher - Wikipedia, that free encyclopedia
en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bill_MaherEarly lifespan Career Views and certain principles Personal life BibliographyWilliam "Bill" Maher, Junior. (born January 20, 1956) happens to be an American stand-up comedian, video host, political commentator, satirist, source, and actor. Before their...
bill maher Examiner. com
www. examiner. com/topic/bill-maherBill Maher has a segment right at the end of his show, HBO's Real-time with Bill Maher, termed "New Rules. "... Bill Maher is wrong for the Monsanto Protection Act...
Obama symptoms the Monsanto Protection Act - YouTube
www. facebook. com/watch? v=NUSPPofUElMBy Musicmanzer 1 minutes 30, 078 views Included Mar 28, 2013Video associated with Obama Promising to Listed Food if Elected as well as Bill Maher comments at Genectically Modified Food. Register... Obama signs the Monsanto Protection Act
What Could be the So-Called Monsanto Protection Act? Has it been Eeeeeevil?
gawker. com/5993042... Monsanto Protection Act, " more precisely named Section 735 of HOUR OR SO 933,... a spending bill ok'd into law by Us president Obama on Tuesday.
How any Monsanto Protection Act snuck right into law - Salon. com
www. hair salon / spa. com/2013/03/27/how_the_monsanto_protection_act_snuck...Mar 27, 2013 Director Barack Obama signed all the spending bill, including your provision, into law... Not just has anger been provided to the Monsanto Protection Act...
Obama Condemned For Signing So-Called 'Monsanto Protection Act
www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/04/01/obama-monsanto-protection-video...
Apr 01, 2013 Truly does the newly signed Character Assurance Provision, aka typically the 'Monsanto Protection Act, ' show that GMO crops can avert any serious
VIDEO: Super stars align in protest towards food giant Monsanto in excess of
www. nydailynews. com/news/national/stars-align-protest-monsanto-new...May 08, 2013 Comic Bill Maher has been vocal out against Monsanto about his... the Monsanto Protection Act,... Antonio Morrison was barking in the wrong tree early...
Critics slam Obama just for "protecting" Monsanto - CBS News
www. cbsnews. com/... /critics-slam-obama-for-protecting-monsantoMar 28, 2013 President is experiencing heat from food safety advocates in provision tucked into a spending bill... Monsanto Protection Act, " some sort of nod... wrong answer...
Obama Are not able to Fix Congress' Monsanto Giveaway by Executive
www. politicususa. com/2013/03/27/congress-sequester-crisis-slip...The Monsanto Protection Act... Bill Maher pointed out a great point... I dont think they need your best interest in mind. I may be wrong and yet I...
'Monsanto Protection Act' May perhaps be Repealed Via Farms Bill
readersupportednews. org/news-section2/445-farm-and-food-policy/...'Monsanto Protection Act' Could be Repealed Via... his bill Protect Interstate Trade Act... is a one of the ways ticket to mass malnourishment when something goes wrong
Senate Tickets Monsanto Protection Act, Monsanto Influence
naturalsociety. com/senate-passes-monsanto-protection-Senate Passes Monsanto Protection Act... (the actual Monsanto Protection Act on the bill).... Something is very wrong when GM food is usually sold without...
Monsanto Protection Act? What bill/where that could be? -
Full questionBest answeranswers. aol. com/question/index? qid=... Resolved Continue updated: Mar 31, 2013 2 content 1 total answerMar 28, 2013 Monsanto Protection Act? What bill/where can it be?... Is this it? Are common the websites I'm taking a look at blatantly talking about a wrong bill?
Monsanto Protection Act, Place into Law, Lets GMO Bounty Have
z6mag. com EnvironmentHome Conditions, Featured, Food, Health Monsanto Protection Act, Placed... Food if Elected and also Bill Maher comments upon... Crew Tear Down Wrong...
The Liberation To Poison (AKA Monsanto Protection Act) Snuck...
www. politicalshake. com/2013/03/... aka-monsanto-protection-act-snuck...The Flexibility To Poison (AKA Monsanto Protection Act) Snuck As a result of In Budget Deal.... Jesse Trump Drops $5M Orangutan Law suit Against Bill Maher;
Bill Maher: Chinese suppliers Requires GMO Labeling, However , America The Land
www. politicususa. com/2013/03/02/bill-maher-china-requires-gmo...Bill Maher raised a great point concerning GMO labeling. Even Asia requires GMO labeling,... A "Monsanto Protection Act" (section 735) ended up being attached...
Liberal Backlash More than Obama's 'Monsanto Protection Act' Structured
aattp. org/backlash-on-obamas-monsanto-protection-act-is-based-on...Liberal Backlash Over Obamas Monsanto Protection Act In accordance with More... ages in drone visits as enemy combatants is wrong)... Sit back and watch Bill Maher:...
Monsanto Protection Act: Obama Signs and symptoms Order That Protects...
www. theblaze. com/stories/2013/03/31/obama-signs-order-that...A biotech rider used in spending bill HR 933 not to mention... The Monsanto Protection Act possesses... but any legislation that protects anyone on the law is wrong...
Monsanto Protection Act Ok'd By Obama, GMO Bill Crafted
planetsave. com/2013/03/30/monsanto-protection-act-signed-by-obama...Monsanto Protection Act Fixed By Obama,... And this bill is already law,... The study that is increasingly looking a greater number of wrong every day?
Monsanto Protection Act? Separating the gender chart from the fury...
www. geneticliteracyproject. org/2013/04/01/monsanto-protection-act...The so-called Monsanto Protection Act is definitely hardly... Its a tiny provision mounted on a massive agricultural just spending bill signed into law by means of... that is just wrong.
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