Uncle Maddio's Nachos Joint works hard in order to satisfy the needs of the regional gluten-free community every working day, so Sunday May 5 shall be no different for these folks. The company will be around the Atlanta Gluten & Allergen Free Wellness Event utilizing their gluten and dairy-free (Daiya Cheese) chicken wings and new caramel sweet bars.
Known because Chipotle of pizza, Uncle Maddio's provides the gluten-free community just by offering Venice Bakery's pre-made vegan/gluten-free crusting. The crust is comprised of: rice flour, tapioca flour, spud flour, water, olive lube, sugar, yeast, and sodium. The crust comes in medium which past August they added a private size.
Uncle Maddio's calls for cross contamination seriously and contains created safe handling measures for preparing gluten-free chicken wings. All servers change gloves and remove their aprons. The pizza crust is defined on a dedicated pan in addition to being cut with dedicated items. Uncle Maddio's also presents take-and-bake pizzas and beer services.
Stop by way of Gwinnett Center this On the from 11 a. michael. to 5 p. michael. and grab a cut. Admission is $10 each and every adult; kids 13 plus under are free. Tickets comes in advance online. Those who purchase their tickets ahead of time get a special perk because they are automatically entered into a drawing for any gift basket from among the events sponsors.
Admission to event includes:
- Product sampling and sales from around 60 companies
- Free speaks from well-known members on the gluten-free community about gluten and even allergen-free living
- Free making demonstrations that invite you explore the world connected with gluten-free cooking one delicious bite on a time
- A free bag to take with you samples and purchases
See an individual there!
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Atlanta Gluten & Allergen Free Wellness Event
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Atlanta GA Gluten & Allergen Free Wellness Event. Articles. TICKETS;... May 5, 2013. 11 have always been - 5 pm.... The girl with the Medical Director just for Atlanta Gluten
Get in your zone, the nut-free zoom at Atlanta's GF/AF Wellness...
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Gluten Free for Georgia.... Finally!: Save a date! May 5, 2013...
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Gluten and dairy-free pizza at Atlanta GF & AF Wellness Event May...
www. examiner. com/article/gluten-and-dairy-free-pizza-at-atlanta-gf...Apr 27, 2013 Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint works hard to satisfy the needs of your local gluten-free community every daytime, so Sunday May 5 are going to be no different for these products. The...
Gluten-free pizza Examiner. com
www. examiner. com/topic/glutenfree-pizzaGluten together with dairy-free pizza at Altlanta ga GF & AF Wellbeing Event May 5. Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint works hard to pay the needs of your neighborhood gluten-free
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