A new smartphone app is which makes easier for people to place their money where his or her mouths are. Or usually, where their ideals and additionally beliefs are.
Buycott, a no cost app created by Ivan Pardo, allows users to take part campaigns such as Claim No to Monsanto, Marketplace demand GMO Labeling, Equality just for LGBTQ or Oppose Web-based Censorship. People with the Buycott app are able to scan the barcode on the product with their phones camera to see which company owns the brand and set up company supports or is there to conflict with the preferred campaigns. In this means, Buycott empowers users to vote in relation to their wallets for their targeted political, ethical or environmental causes with virtually any purchase they make.
The app also provides information regarding the company and brand and the direction they are linked to other programs, making the consumer items marketplace more transparent with the everyday consumer.
Buycott ended up being originally released in early on May, but was still a bit buggy at the beginning. The app has considering been stabilized and predetermined. Products, brands and companies can be constantly being updated at the system. Buycott is included in both iTunes and Yahoo and google Play.
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