About 2 weeks ago, I made dandelion syrup for the 1st time and it tasted so excellent that I had to talk about it. It was almost as a clover honey. After getting older, though, it has some other flavor. It's now much deeper, a bit reminiscent about maple syrup. Since then I've learned more regarding the process, so with plastic bags on hand my troops and I decided to pick more dandelions so we're able to make a second plate.
The basic steps interested in making dandelion syrup are actually:
- Pick the flora.
- Remove the petals from flower heads.
- Measure the sum of petals, and place them and the same amount of water in any kettle.
- Boil your petals for 5 or so minutes, then remove from heat and put it inside a covered crock to take overnight (to extract equally as much flavor as possible).
- Pour the petal "mash" by using a strainer, pressing the pulp to clear out any remaining liquid.
- Measure the liquid and place it in a kettle by having an equal amount of gorgeous. Cut up and place in a lemon (or add a fabulous dash of lemon juice) and placed in just a small a bit of ground cloves.
- Bring it towards boil, stirring to mixture it well. Reduce the heat therefore it is just barely boiling and allow it cook down for an hour . 5 or so, until the software thickens.
- Pour it from a strainer and into your jar. Cover it together with refrigerate it. Our first batch has lasted for pretty much 3 weeks, and the flavor gets deeper over time..
For specifications each step, please read the original recipe and select its list. for complete pictures.
Remember - merely pick flowers from career fields or lawns that hadn't been sprayed. Avoid bouquets with brown or weakened petals, and brush or hair away any insects relating to the flowers. You should always pick at a dry day, when this flowers are fully started and all dew includes evaporated.
Be sure to go through the list to see that steps involved and what we should leaned about making syrup that time!
Photo - Preparing food the syrup down - Dandelion syrup revisited...
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Global Rumblings: Pissenlit Soups & Dandelion Syrup
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Dandelion syrup revisited - Minneapolis Baking with kids...
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Cooking through Kids - Pinterest
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How for making Dandelion Syrup eHow
www. ehow. com Healthy Recipes Other Healthy RecipesThis is a superb recipe for Dandelion Syrup. This syrup may be used on pancakes or what you would use syrup about. The best part on this great syrup recipe might be that...
5 Lemon Potatoes: Dandelion Syrup
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Apr 10, 2009 We made dandelion syrup this week for just a pick me up to and including very rainy day. It is rather easy to make, but some time consuming. You
Dandelion syrup. Henriette's Organic and natural Homepage
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Dandelion Syrup - Your Baking Beauties
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